05 August, 2009

Barricading Your Code

You've heard it a million times: "Never trust your inputs". Or maybe you've heard its corollary: "Always sanitize your inputs". Easier said then done, right?

I'd like to show you a way to barricade your code so that you can always sanitize your inputs without littering all of your code with sanitation code.

Wall Street Barricade
The key to writing good sanitation code is controlling where and howyou accept external input. Just like the barricade in the image above, traffic can only flow on the sidewalks and not on the street.

Here's how to accomplish the same with code:

public class ClassThatUsesBarricade
public void DoWork(string inputOne, int inputTwo, ...)
//sanitize inputs
RealDoWork(inputOne, inputTwo, ...);

private void RealDoWork(string inputOne, int inputTwo, ...)
//don't worry about inputs because no external class could have called this.
//do work

By writing code like the code above, you've barricaded your class: data can only flow into your class through the public method. The private method can absolutely, 100% or your money back, trust its inputs without having to worry about sanitizing them. This way, your real work method can be short, and concise - after all, a method should only do one thing, and do it well.

If your class has a lot of methods with very similar signatures that do similar things, you might want to reverse the code I showed: you could have a private sanitation code that all public methods that actually do work call. However, that's not really barricading your important methods... at some point you could forget to call the private sanitation method (ie. set up your barricade), and you'd be screwed.

And there you have it, a code barricade.


El-Heato said...

Very nice article.

Now if I could just find some way of barricading my desk so Udine can't get to it, I'll be in business.

Steven said...

I must say I often use the pattern you describe with protected virtual methods (template method pattern), where a public non-virtual method contains all validation (barricades, pre conditions) and forwards the work to a protected virtual method.

btw. I use CuttingEdge.Conditions for barricading my code :-)

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